
Acknowledgment of Influential Individuals in Youth Sports

As the CEO and Founder of the Sue E Cooley Foundation and the initiator of the Youth Sports Validity Initiative, I wish to express my deep appreciation for the profound influence of numerous individuals who have significantly shaped not just my journey, but also positively impacted the lives of countless children. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to those who have shown dedication, integrity, and have led the way in the realm of sports and community engagement.

Larry Barraco

Larry Barraco has been the backbone of Napa’s local baseball league, displaying unwavering dedication throughout countless years. His commitment and work ethic have truly made a lasting impact.

Bill Eaton

Bill Eaton, a rare breed of coach, led by example and made players earn their respect, emphasizing the importance of integrity and earning respect. His dedication to the game and integrity in coaching are truly admirable.

Todd Pridy

Todd Pridy cultivated an environment in the dugout that demanded excellence, while fostering deep trust among his players. His exceptional knowledge and leadership have been instrumental in shaping successful athletes.

Don Ramey

Don Ramey ensured anyone associated with his organization had an exceptional experience, thanks to his professionalism, humor, and dedication. His positive impact on the sporting community is truly commendable.

Mike McGuire

Mike McGuire’s ability to communicate and instill honesty created an enjoyable playing environment for all. His support and belief in the potential of every player are truly inspirational.

Charlie Jones

Charlie Jones brought out the best in athletes, making the journey fun and serving as a devoted figure in their lives. His unwavering dedication to coaching has impacted numerous individuals positively.

Warren Brusstar

Warren Brusstar’s profound knowledge in baseball, particularly in pitching, is matched only by the depth of his insights. His expertise and captivating narratives have left a lasting impression on the sport and its enthusiasts.

Dylan Brusstar

Dylan Brusstar has devoted himself not only to umpiring but also to providing coaching lessons. His unwavering dedication to baseball and tireless efforts make him an invaluable figure in the sport.

Warren and Dylan Brusstar

Together, Warren and Dylan Brusstar have created a legacy intertwined with a passion for baseball that extends from knowledge sharing to on-field expertise and mentorship, leaving an enduring impact on the sport.

Steve Meyer

Steve Meyer remains devoted to a higher level of umpiring and goes above and beyond for the Napa Valley Umpires Association. His commitment to the umpiring world and volunteering as a coach at a local high school is truly commendable.

Todd Smith

Todd Smith’s knowledge, passion, sense of humor, and ability to motivate others make him a standout figure on the baseball field. His dedication through adversity is truly inspiring, and his impact on the sport is immeasurable.

James Hardee

Finally, James Hardee’s tenacity and ability to get things done significantly impacted BMX in Napa, leaving a legacy continued by his son Steven Hardee, who’s passionate about maintaining excellence in building tracks and sports facilities.

This acknowledgment is a testament to the profound impact of these individuals, and their unwavering dedication to youth sports.The work that they put in was various different sports projects some far more glorious and some more rewarding. Thank you. It was the way they led the wisdom they shared that reached far beyond sports and into various facets of life. Their collective efforts, alongside the invaluable support of those who actively contribute to our leagues, are pivotal.